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13 Feb: The Correction

The heavily anticipated correction finally arrived and somehow it caught everyone by surprise. As is the case in any correction, the market seems fraught with panic and confusion. “How low will it go?” What is the cause? These are the questions being asked broadly…


12 Jul: Commercial Property Executive – The Rise of CMBS

The Resolution Trust Corp.’s success with securitzation gave insight to a new rising star in the financial markets. Andy Stone, who worked as a mortgage trader under Lewis Ranieri at Salomon Brothers, saw potential in parlaying Ranieri’s success with residential mortgage-backed…


30 May: Cash Flow Connections – Uncharted Territory

Should you be investing as if interest rates are about to bounce back to 7%? Historically speaking, how does the current lending environment compare to cycles of the past? How can politicians’ incentives impact your portfolio and investment strategy?